We appreciate that leaks don’t always keep to business hours which is why Hydrosonic is available 7 days a week including after-hours to service all your leak detection needs.
We like to be totally upfront with our charges so customers know what to expect. These are our business hour rates and charges. Any after-hours and weekend call outs do incur additional costs.
Hydrosonic Charges
Service Call
Use of Acoustic Leak Detection Equipment
This is used for all leak detecting.
Repairs to pipe
This is the cost of actually fixing a common pipe
Labour per hour
This is our hourly rate and the labour cost will vary on every job depending on how difficult the leak is to locate and access.
Use of Tracer gas leak detection equipment
We are among only a few plumbers in Perth that offer leak detection using tracer gas and this is used for difficult to locate leaks and leaks on non-metallic pipe.
Leak Allowance Submissions
We offer a free service to our customers to submit a leak allowance form to the Water Corporation on their behalf where applicable. Customers may be eligible for a rebate on their water accounts.